Prague, May 3 (CTK) – The Prague City Hall will join the HateFree campaign aimed against aggressive approach to people over their religion or skin colour, Mayor Adriana Krnacova said on Tuesday, referring to a decision the City Council made though the City Assembly rejected the plan previously.
The City Assembly discussed the proposal last Thursday in reaction to scramblers’ attacks on cafes and other facilities involved in the hate free campaign.
However, it did not support the city’s turning into a HateFree zone. The proposal ended two votes short of being passed. Instead, the Assembly approved a resolution rejecting violence in general.
“The HateFree project follows no controversial goals. It does not provide backing for any group, but it creates a dialogue, as a result of which problems are spoken about. It wants people not to be treated aggressively only due to their religion or skin colour,” Krnacova (ANO) said in a press release.
Joining the HateFree zone is a gesture of condemnation of any displays of aggression, she said.
The HateFree Culture, a group established by the Czech Government Agency for Social Inclusion, has operated for three years now, supported from the EU funds and the Norway Grants.
Its aim is to react to the displays of hatred, including on the Internet. Its symbol is a pink sticker with white letters, which the facilities involved fasten upon their doors or shopwindows.
In late April, unknown vandals sprayed the walls of several HateFree facilities with slogans and Nazi symbols. The perpetrators obviously chose to damage the facilities whose owners promote the HateFree campaign including the tolerance of minorities and refugees.
The government has condemned the attack.
The police investigate the attack. The perpetrators face up to three years in prison, if caught and found guilty.