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Bolt driver forcibly removes blind woman from taxi; bothered by her seeing-eye dog

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According to a story run in Denik N, a blind woman going out for a morning walk ran into a nightmare scenario on Monday in Prague’s trendy Zizkov area. The woman was out walking and got lost. In order to find her bearings she entered a hotel on Borivojova street. The staff was very helpful and assisted the lady in calling a taxi for her, using the smartphone application Bolt, a taxi alternative.

The driver arrived and the woman entered the taxi, followed by her seeing-eye dog. The driver did not like the dog and told the lady that he would not accept it. Even after the woman pleaded that she cannot find her way without the animal, the man simply answered that he did not care, it is her problem. According to the woman, she still refused to leave the car, saying that the ride was already paid for. The man then threatened to call the police, saying the ride was not paid for and he had cancelled the trip. She agreed that the police should become involved. In fact the woman tried calling police, and when the taxi driver saw that the phone started dialing, he ripped the phone out of her hand. The driver than simply went to the passenger’s door, opened it, and pulled her and her dog out, leaving them both laying on the side of the road. The driver then sped off.

Moments after leaving, the driver noticed that the lady had left her probing cane in the car. The driver pulled the car in reverse, throwing it out of the window, on to the woman and her dog, which were laying on the sidewalk in shock.
Luckily, a witness to the incident filmed a piece of the saga from her apartment window. She then raced down and assisted the woman, called the police and helped the lady, who was in a state of panic, calm down.

Police have said that they are investigating the situation. The Media Representative for Bolt Jan Novosad said that “at the current moment the driver is blocked from our side. He cannot drive for Bolt any longer.”

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