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Respekt: Politicians underestimate young, they do not vote

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Prague, Oct 17 (CTK) – Czech parties are dealing with the key question of why younger voters do not go to the polls, which the recent regional and Senate elections confirmed again, Erik Tabery writes in weekly Respekt out on Monday and adds that politicians often underestimate them.

Tabery writes that young people do not take any interest in politics, which not only their absence from elections, but also a recent research by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) have confirmed.

According to the research, almost 60 percent of Czechs aged 15 to 29 said they are not interested in politics, which was the second highest among the OECD member countries, Tabery writes.

He writes that one of the reasons is undoubtedly the discrepancy between the functioning of parties, which has not changed for 100 and more years, and the young people’s approach to life.

The parties’ clumsy structure causes their decision-making being too long, while young people, thanks to the Internet and social networking, want to deal with problems now and not wait for someone, who often does not know the matters they deal with, putting a stamp on the decision, Tabery writes.

Another problem is the style of communication. Young people consider the visual side much more important, while the visual codes of political parties make an out-of-date, unattractive and even awkward impression, Tabery writes.

He writes that the sole exception among the larger entities is ANO of billionaire businessman Andrej Babis, which has enough money and creative people.

The worst possible interpretation of the young was offered by Miroslav Kalousek, head of the rightist opposition TOP 09. His expectation that the young will set out to fight xenophobia and an autocratic regime is utterly illusory, particularly in the regional elections, Tabery writes.

The aggressive political style, which Kalousek often uses, disheartens many just as xenophobia preached by others, Tabery writes.

He writes that to choose the lesser evil is a very arduous tactical consideration for specialists in politics, but young people want to choose candidates with sympathy.

The young are more attracted by people with an interesting life story which they can trust without having to spend much effort to analyse it, and people who speak clearly, Tabery writes.

That is why U.S. presidential candidate Bernie Sanders and Prince Karel Schwarzenberg, former TOP 09 chairman, were successful with the young, Tabery writes.

The double question of “What have you done for me and what will be you doing in the future?” is always asked in elections. It is precisely in this respect that a crushing majority of Czech parties massively neglect the young people, Tabery writes.

He demonstrates this on the pre-election television debates. Politicians and candidate offered a minimal invention and a lot of boredom, while they repeated cliches which they said four, eight or 12 years ago.

Parties which will want to appeal to young people, will have to change their style of communication, listen to their opinions and wishes and to translate them into their practical steps. Politicians must also give the young some space in the parties themselves, Tabery writes.

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