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One mosque too many?

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Two weeks ago the Islamic Foundation in Brno announced their wish to build a new mosque since their current one no longer meets their needs, as it lacks a study and lecture rooms. The mosque opened 11 years ago and it was the first Muslim place of prayer in the country. Today, some 120 people attend it and the number is growing.

Brno Deputy Mayor Daniel Rychnovský (KDU-ČSL) said that Brno has already shown tolerance when it allowed the building of the first mosque, adding that the Muslim world is less open to Christians. His opposition was followed by that of his regional party members.

Christian Democrat head Cyril Svoboda backed them last week saying: “I value a true-faith Muslim since it is someone who takes his faith seriously, which is probably more beneficial to a society than does not to believe in anything.” He added that though he wants an open Europe, the newcomers need to respect local customs.

• Is the eye for an eye approach advocated by KDU-ČSL the way to go?
• Does respecting local customs mean giving up your own?
• What does ‘religious freedom’ mean?

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