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Czech government approves new rules for its meetings

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Prague, Jan 17 (CTK) – The Czech government has approved the new rules for its own functioning and meetings, Prime Minister Andrej Babis (ANO), whose cabinet resigned earlier on Wednesday, has told journalists.

The Justice Ministry said the changes mainly wanted to speed up and improve the discussion of the reports submitted to the government.

The government is to start being guided by the new order of procedure as of early February, the government press department said.

The new rules should not include the clause about the presence of the president of the Supreme Auditing Office (NKU) at government meetings.

The Justice Ministry argues that this was unnecessary because the NKU head has his access anchored directly in a law.

“As far as the NKU is concerned, nothing changes there. The NKU head himself said he does not want to be there [in the rules] as he is there under the law,” Babis said.

The secretary for the EU will take part in the debate of all the agenda that relates to the EU.

Babis said the proposals were to speed up the processes in the government.

According to the changes, the materials that are not part of the legislation should only be commented on at the offices to which they relate.

“This is not devised to ban any position on the affairs, but the comments procedure should be flexible,” the proposal said.

The number of the reports on which the government does not make any resolution and that should only inform it should be limited, too.

The duty to include a press report in the reports is to be cancelled, too, as redundant.

It may take months before a press report is published, due to which it may be eventually belated or misleading, the Justice Ministry said.

The latest rules also prefer electronic distribution of the reports to the written one.

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