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A Young Czech Man Robbed Betting Shops with a Fake Gun. He managed to Steal 50 000 CZK.

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A 27-year-old man has been formally charged by the police for committing two robberies at betting shops in Havířov. The suspect employed a plastic dummy gun during these incidents and managed to seize a total of over 50,000 crowns.

The robberies unfolded at the close of January and the start of February this year, consistently taking place just before the shops’ closing hours. “Wearing a mask, the individual entered the premises with a gun in hand, demanding cash. Fearing for their safety, the employees complied, providing him with money through the cash-in and cash-out slot. The perpetrator subsequently departed,” stated police spokeswoman Daniela Vlčková.

Vlčková revealed that the accused hails from Havířov but was temporarily residing outside the Moravian-Silesian Region. These criminal acts were perpetrated when he returned to his hometown. Detectives successfully apprehended him last week, and he admitted to the offenses, citing financial difficulties as the reason for his actions. He could face a prison sentence of up to 10 years.



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