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Welcome to the new Prague Monitor!

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With over 16 years history as the original source of Czech News in English, the Prague Monitor has amassed over 50,000 articles and syndicated links to credible news sources bringing you the latest on the Czech Republic and surrounding areas. With this history in mind, an update was long overdue.

The update has been planned in stages with as much of the up-front planning leading to the first of the migration steps now being completed, the migration of the article content, setting of new layout as well as integration with our newsletter software etc.

Next, we need to go through all the content and ensure all the meta data has been set to appropriately credit the various news sources, something that was not possible until we had moved the content to the new content system.

There may also be a broken link here and the as not all the original URLs could be preserved due to differences in old and new content systems. We have however, built in tracking of any broken link and will redirect old article links to the new link as fast as we can work through them.

If you have been redirected here as the link you were following has broken, you can use the search function above to find the content you were looking for. Over time, our redirection work will ensure you find the content more directly.

As with any big change, a little time is required to allow us to ensure we get everything in place for you and we assure you, we’re on it.

Things to note:

  • We have fixed the captcha on the contact us form, feel free to test.
  • We know that a lot of the historical content may be missing an image, we are looking at best solution to add these images in the most efficient manner.
  • We will continue to drive in improvements over the coming weeks. If you have feedback, please drop us a note via
  • We note that some section have older content but have added as we plan to reinvigorate these sections going forward.

We’ll keep the following progress list updated as we go:

  • 05DEC – 06DEC2020: Content import, setting of layout, redirection of primary domain
  • Week of 07DEC: Article metadata updates, initial 404 redirection rules applied, refinement of design / layout
  • The run-up to Christmas: Redesign of the newsletter email that goes out daily. Sorry for the delay folks, there were some big changes to make to both our people AND tech process.
  • Between Christmas and New Year: Some well-earned time off and some planning for the new year and the restart of the daily email sending.
  • Week of 04JAN: Review of feedback on both the site and the newsletter. Notably changes to follow, moving back to more of a newspaper feel, more space between articles and better-aligned images. More testing on mobile devices.
  • 09JAN: Newsletter registration process updated so that on-site registrations sync with newsletter software in near real-time.

Keep the feedback coming!

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