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Lidoveč party offers gay community equal rights but not marriage

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Members of the Lidoveč party, known for their strong opposition to a law allowing same-sex marriage, are now presenting their own proposal in the lower house with hopes of achieving unity among its members.

The essence of the proposal, drafted by Jiří Navrátil, who previously became the first MP to publicly disclose his LGBT identity, aims to grant same-sex couples equal rights and the possibility of entering into a civil partnership resembling marriage. However, the proposal excludes adoption rights and the term “marriage.” Instead, the union would be referred to as a partnership with broader recognition than the current registered partnership.

Navrátil shared that all Lidoveč deputies support this compromise proposal, believing it could be acceptable to opposition MPs as well, given their general support for equal rights. He acknowledged that the naming of the union remains a point of contention for some. The ANO party, for example, has expressed its willingness to engage in negotiations on the compromise proposal, although opinions within the party vary, just as they do in the ODS, with both supporters and opponents of same-sex marriage. The SPD is firmly opposed to such a measure.

The outcome of the negotiations will become evident at the end of June when MPs are expected to conclude the first reading of the proposal put forth by TOP 09, STAN, ODS, the Pirates, and a faction of ANO, based on a preliminary agreement. The latter party’s proposal seeks to legalize marriage for same-sex couples. If the various parliamentary groups reach an agreement, they could incorporate the compromise proposal from the Lidoveč party and advance it to the next stage.

Marek Benda, the head of the ODS parliamentary group, who opposes same-sex marriage, views the People’s Party proposal as a possible entry point for discussions. He has previously stated that he has two non-negotiable conditions: the exclusion of adoption rights and the need to address surrogacy.

Eva Decroix, the vice-chair of the ODS group, who prefers a more liberal approach, also sees potential for consensus in the Lidoveč solution. She expressed her willingness to support it if it leads to a resolution. However, the absence of adoption rights in the compromise proposal may hinder its acceptance. Navrátil, on the other hand, stated that it would be possible to allow for the adoption of a partner’s children.

Markéta Pekarová Adamová, the speaker of the lower house and TOP 09 MP, emphasized the importance of discussing the name issue, but she considers adoption rights crucial, which are not included in the Lidoveč proposal. She intends to push for an amendment to the Civil Code through their own proposal.

Pirate MP Klára Kocmanová disagrees with the exclusion of adoption rights for same-sex couples. She emphasized that parental rights are a fundamental aspect of their fight for equality. Kocmanová pointed out that same-sex couples are already caring for children who encounter obstacles in various situations, such as in hospitals. While she believes denying them the title of marriage would be unfortunate symbolically, she expressed willingness to discuss it if other aspects are agreed upon.

STAN MP Barbora Urbanová takes a more radical stance, asserting that anything other than marriage is discriminatory.

The gay community itself is also divided on the matter. Navrátil highlighted that while many members desire progress after years of stagnation, there are some who advocate for an all-or-nothing approach. However, he emphasized that such absolutism is not conducive to political progress.

According to the proposal put forward by the Pirates, TOP 09, STAN, and some ANO MPs, same-sex couples would be granted the same rights in marriage as heterosexual couples. These rights include joint property ownership, inheritance entitlement

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