During Thursday’s meeting, Roman Prymula, the Minister of Health, announced that citizens might be required to register when visiting restaurants, cafes, and pubs. A similar measure was adopted in Germany, the United Kingdom, and Austria to help track those potentially infected with COVID-19.
“We plan that people who go to restaurants will have to register there, as is necessary in Germany,” said Prymula.
The date of this new rule was not finalized and Prymula later went on Twitter to comment:
“It is just a theoretical measure; the probability is about 10-15%.”
This would be another step towards building a functioning smart quarantine system – alongside with perfecting the eRouška mobile application.
Several countries have already successfully implemented the method. For example, in Germany, restaurant owners keep the contact details of the visitors for four weeks in case someone in the staff falls ill. Depending on the city, the rigidity of the rule varies from obligatory to voluntarily-based. Similarly, in Austria, visitors are required to fill out a form handed to them at the table. The form is also kept for four weeks. In case the visitor refuses to provide his details, he must be denied service by the staff.
There are already 37,393 new active cases of COVID-19 in the Czech Republic. 34,093 have recovered, 676 died and 198 remain in a critical condition.