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Heat wave breaks records across the country

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A common topic over the past several years: temperature records falling on the positive side. The past several years have been some of the hottest in human’s short recorded history. Again yesterday several records were broken, including Roznov where the temperature has been measured for 136 years. The warmest temperature was recorded in Klatovy: 18.2 Celsius. The Southern Czech regions were the warmest averaging in the 13 to 17 Celsius range. Joseph Hanzlik from the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (ČHMÚ) shared the information.

Some of the records were from 1998 which saw a warm February. Yesterday’s records broke the records by as much as four Celsius. The CHMU has communicated that the rest of February will be very warm compared to long-term averages. The temperatures are not expected to return to long-term average temperatures until March. Perhaps March will still provide some skiing weather.

Along with the warm front coming from the south there were high winds expected in the North part of the country. Winds were still considerably lower than in last week’s storm, but gusts up to 65 kilometers an hour were expected.

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