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CzechRep 87th most populated country in world

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Prague, Feb 20 (CTK) – The Czech Republic, with 10.675 million inhabitants, ranks 87th out of more than 200 world countries as regards the number of inhabitants, according to an international comparison published by the Czech Statistical Office (CSU) on Tuesday.

In Europe, the country ranks 14th in population size. With a middle value of 41.5 years, Czechs still belong to the younger countries in Europe, while Germany has the oldest population with a middle value of 45.8 years.

According to a population prognosis, the EU member states are to see an increase in their number of inhabitants by almost 20 million by 2050.

The Czech Republic falls within the half of the EU countries which will see their population decrease. The number of Czechs is to keep increasing until 2025 when it is to reach 10.712 million, slowly decreasing after that. In 2050, there will be 10.478 million Czechs and fifteen years later, there will be only 10.151 millions.

The country has a below-the-average index of dependency, which shows the ratio of the retired and children to the people in productive age. Per hundred people in the productive age, there are 35.8 children and youngsters below 19 and 45.6 people over 60, a total of 81.4 of both. The EU average for the index is 85.8. France has the highest index of 97.9, while Luxembourg has the lowest, 71.3.

In the EU, the country belongs to those with the lowest infant death rate and the lowest share of people endangered by income poverty and social outcasting.

However, it also belongs to the countries most endangered by obesity and it has an above-the-average share of smokers.

Regarding education, the country ranks 24th in the EU with its share of 21 percent of higher education and university graduates.

At the same time, with 70.9 percent, the country ranks at the EU’s top as regards the share of those with completed secondary education, including post-leaving exam requalification courses. The EU average is 45 percent.

Globally, China continues to be the most populated country with 1.379 billion people, followed by India with 1.282 billion. With 4.4 billion people, Asia is the most populated continent.

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