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MfD: Tourism subsidy misused for brothel repair in Cheb

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Prague, Aug 19 (CTK) – A brothel in Cheb, west Bohemia, officially run as a boarding house, has received a one-million-crown EU subsidy for reconstruction within support for local tourism, Mlada fronta Dnes (MfD) wrote on Friday.

It writes that the house, officially called Retro Pension and situated off the road connecting Cheb to the German border, in fact houses Party-nightclub XXX.

On the web page promoting sexual services, the brothel offers in German 11 to 15 girls, attaches their suggestive pictures and says it was opened in December 2015.

When an female reporter rang the doorbell, the door was opened by a woman speaking with a Russian accent who told her that only men are admitted.

The application for the heating of the facade and the roof was filed by the owner of the building, Alexandra Vaskova, in summer 2015, and she did receive 1,061,731 crowns from the tourism fund of the Regional Development Progamme, MfD writes.

However, not Retro Pension, as the project was called, but a brothel is run in the house. It is not operated by Vaskova, but by another businesswoman, MfD writes.

It writes that Vaskova admitted that she knows about the brothel, but she would not talk about it when contacted by phone.

The owner may have to return the subsidy for the building repair.

“At the moment, administrative proceedings on return of the subsidy are being held with the subsidy recipient,” MfD quotes Marketa Jezkova, spokeswoman for the Agriculture Ministry, as saying.

The subsidy was paid out under the condition that the building will serve the same purpose for at least five years, which is until June 30, 2020, Jezkova said.

Miroslav Podlipsky, director of the association which mediates drawing subsidies in the Cheb region, said “it was us who initiated the investigation.”

“We did not expect anyone to be so impudent as to spend the money and not to do what they should have done,” he said.

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