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Czech Republic sends extraordinary humanitarian aid to Syria

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Prague, April 21 (CTK) – The Czech Republic will send an extraordinary humanitarian aid worth four million crowns to Syria, Deputy Foreign Minister Martin Tlapa said after meeting his Syrian counterpart Faisal Mekdad on Thursday.

He said the medical supplies would go to conflict zones that are difficult to reach. The Syrian Arab Red Crescent has access to many places afflicted by the conflict, Tlapa said, referring to a NGO seated in Damascus.

He said the aid will be dispatched in two shipments. The first will leave in May, the other in June.

In the next three years, Czech aid may reach 200 million crowns, if approved by the government, Tlapa said.

Mekdad praised the financial aid as well as the work of Czech diplomacy.

The Czech Republic still has its embassy in Damascus and it represents the interests of the Western countries which have closed down their diplomatic missions there.

Mekdad also praised the work of Czech ambassador in Damascus, Eva Filipi, who he said has remained with the Syrian people even in the dangerous situation.

During his visit to the Czech Republic, Mekdad also met Foreign Minister Lubomir Zaoralek and Finance Minister Andrej Babis. They discussed possible economic cooperation.

Tlapa said during his visit to Syria last year the Czech Republic could participate in the country’s postwar reconstruction.

In his meeting with Babis, Mekdad said the two countries had excellent economic relations in the past 50 years and that they should be followed up as soon as Syria is a safe country.

Zaoralek said the Syrian government should work for finding a consensus within the Geneva peace talks that started in Geneva in January and in which also representatives of the opposition take part.

Economic themes were also on the agenda of Mekdad’s talks with Czech Industry and Trade Minister Jan Mladek and representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and the Confederation of Industry.

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