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Refugee camp to be created in Vyšní Lhoty

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Vysni Lhoty, North Moravia, June 29 (CTK) – A refugee camp will be created in Vysni Lhoty, mayor Dana Novakova told CTK Monday, but she said she does not know when this happens, adding that it will also depend on how quickly the compound will be transferred from the justice to the interior ministry.

Novakova said the facility should not be a residential, but a detention (closed) one, which is less frightening for the locals.

Vysni Lhoty has over 800 inhabitants.

The complex spreads on 75,000 square metres and it was used to accommodate refugees in the past already. It was opened in the mid-1990s with a capacity of 580 beds. It is comprised of accommodation and administrative buildings and storage spaces.

The complex has not been used to accommodate refugees since December 2009. In July 2011, it was declared redundant. Later it was considered to turn the facility into a prison.

The Czech Republic will need more capacities in refugee centres in connection with the current influx of illegal immigrants from Africa and the Middle East to Europe.

Daily Mlada fronta Dnes (MfD) wrote last week that out of the 700 beds in the Czech refugees centres, only 200 are still vacant.

Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka said on Sunday the country may accept hundreds of illegal migrants.

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