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Exhibition reflecting xenophobia and coexistence opens in Prague

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Prague, Jan 21 (CTK) – An exhibition HateFree? featuring works of art created in reaction to last year’s call for artists as well as the broad public who want to contribute to art reflecting xenophobia and coexistence opened in the DOX Centrum of contemporary art yesterday.
The exhibition is part of the HateFree Culture project sponsored by the Agency for Social Inclusion. Several hundred people reacted to the call.
The call was destined for all authors of works focusing on reflection of racism, xenophobia, nationalism, rightist radicalism, violence stemming from hatred, prejudices and lack of tolerance for members of minorities, subcultures and other social groups.
“The goal of the project is reinforcing coexistence and citizens’ active participation in the fight with violence whether in the real world or online,” HateFree Culture project coordinator Lukas Houdek said.
The exhibition presents in addition to traditional forms of art also videos, recordings of performances, space objects and installations.

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