Prague, Feb 8 (CTK) – The Czech Foreign Ministry will prepare a tender for a blueprint of Czech pariticipation in Expo 2020 in Dubai by May, Foreign Minister Lubomir Zaoralek said after a government meeting yesterday.
He said he believes that the Czech Republic will be successful at the exhibition just as at the latest Expo in Milan, Italy, in 2015.
The organisers of Expo 2020 said the exhibition may help the Middle East resume its former role of a melting pot of cultures and creativity.
The Czech Republic scored several successes in Milan, including a bronze medal its pavilion won for architecture.
More than two million people visited the pavilion to get to know the Czech Republic, its regions and Czech successes in science and modern technologies.
The pavilion was made of recyclable modules. It was designed by Chybik&Krystof studio.
It won several partial visitors and Italian media’s awards, including for the most pleasant pavilion, a pavilion which is the most accommodating to children, or a pavilion with the nicest roof garden.
The restaurant of the Czech pavilion, “La Baita del Cacciatore,” was named among the three best.