In Přerov, low flying Army planes have surprised citizens getting ready to do their early morning commute. The spectacle presented itself in the Přerov skies for more than three hours, and some citizens even reported that they were able to see the planes in detail from the roofs of their apartment buildings. Not only were the planes seen flying unusually low, but some also spotted soldiers jumping from the plane and parachuting down to the ground. The spokesman of the Czech Army, Jakub Šimíček, confirmed these observations and explained the situation. “Starting from Tuesday morning, the certification of Czech parachutes for the C-130 Hercules aircraft has been taking place over the Přerov Military Airport”. Consequently both military paratroopers and equipment were being dropped from the planes to certify both personal and heavy duty parachutes for the plane model. The plane itself was reportedly borrowed from the Netherlands, so the Czech Army was likely certifying its parachutes for possible future missions with allies. The Army has stated that training taking place over the Military airport is a routine event, and thus it is not announced to the public in advance. This time, the civilians from the city likely spotted the event due to the gigantic scale of 37.7 ton C-130H plane. The manoeuvres should last until Thursday, so any military enthusiasts can still make it in time to planespot in Přerov.