A new railway station in Brno has already been one of the city’s priorities for a long time. Now, the architectural plans for the building have been selected and their visualisations were shared. The company selected for the job is Benthem Crouwel Architects, a company with plenty of experience with such large projects. They have designed the railway station in Rotterdam and worked on the reconstruction of the railway station in Amsterdam. The company claims that the new building will bring a positive impulse for the growing city and become its welcoming gateway. The city’s mayor, Markéta Vaňková (ODS), has declared that this building will become a milestone in the future development of the city. “It is the first step towards the beginning of the growth of a neglected district of the city. There will be new buildings, flats and parks for recreation.” she said. Other city officials have also shared their positive feelings about the future of the project. Now they have to obtain the last few pieces of privately owned land and begin construction, which is now set to be finished between 2032 and 2035 and cost around 45 billion crowns making it the most expensive station in Czech Republic.