To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Prostějov observatory, an Italian artist was hired to paint a mural on one of its walls. This was done as a part of the Street Art festival in Olomouc. During its 60 years of existence, the observatory helped popularize astronomy among the citizens of Prostějov. Even its opening day, August 12th 1961 was carried out in this theme. The construction of the observatory was largely carried out with the help of locals since 1955, so it only made sense for it to open on the day of the Vostok 1 flight, which carried Yuri Gagarin into space, the first human to ever experience spaceflight. From then on, the observatory served as the hotspot for astronomy enthusiasts within the region, and its founder, Adolf Neckař, was even honoured with a dwarf planet between Mars and Jupiter being named after him. The Prostějov officials now decided that it would be fitting for the observatory to receive further recognition via a big mural on one of its walls. Many artists applied, but in the end, Italian artist Patrizio Anastasi got the job. His mural consists of simple shapes painted in basic colours, and is meant to spark the imagination of passers-by, just like how space inspires many humans on earth and many citizens of Prostějov.