Olomouc, 15th July 2021 – For the 6th time the documentary film festival Země na talíři (World on a Plate) about people, food and environment is coming back to Olomouc. Event, shedding light on issues connected to food production, will take place on Wednesday 21st July at Pevnost poznání Olomouc (Areál Korunní pevnůstky, 17. listopadu 7). This summer the festival offers a documentary „Mothers of the land“ – a peak into both struggles and joys in lives of five Peruvian traditional female farmers growing quinoa and potatoes during the time of climate crisis. Also workshop on DIY eco-cosmetics and, quiz and discussion with a young couple who runs an ecological farm Zahrada Vesna and produces and sells fresh vegetables in Olomouc. Program starts at 4PM, free entrance. The festival is organized by a non-governmental organization Na mysli, z. ú., a research program Potraviny pro budoucnost Strategie AV21, an Institute of Experimental Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Fort Science – an interactive science centre of Palacký University Olomouc.
“This event reminds us, that a vast majority of world population is still food insecure. It is an issue which needs more recognition, and we need to talk about it also in terms of its intersectional nature – we as a humankind have to tackle a lot of interrelated problems at once – for example population growth, loss of arable lands, impacts of climate change” says Radka Kvasničková from Institute of Experimental Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences, one of the organizers of the festival.
The highlight of the festival is the screening of Peruvian documentary Mothers of the land, Sembradoras de Vida. “This documentary accompanies five women from the Andean highlands in their daily struggle to maintain a traditional and organic way of cultivating the land. In the Andean Cosmovision, women and ground are strongly interrelated. In the context of an ever-growing industrialization of agriculture, the use of chemical pesticides and genetically modified seeds it is women, who, connected to the Earth and ground through bounds of sisterhood, take on the role of protectors,” introduces Viktorie Tenzerová, the director of Na mysli, z.ú.
The screening will be followed by debate with a young couple Violka and Mára who started an ecological farm on an abandoned property in the outskirts of Olomouc in 2019. The main topic of discussion will be ecological agriculture, permaculture and responsibility to next generations and the plans for future – they intend to start a social cooperative within the farm where everyone finds a safe place for both work and life.
During the festival there will be also presented ways of how our lifestyle impacts the environment and how can we adopt more responsible decisions into our lives. Visitors will have a chance to make own environmentally friendly cosmetics such as body scrubs by themselves during a practical workshop which kicks of the whole festival. It is recommended to book a place for the workshop via festival@namysli.com. In addition, a fun quiz about sustainability will be held and the winners will receive some exciting eco-friendly prizes.
Organizers notify that the festival will follow the anti-epidemic measures in relation to COVID-19 issued by the Czech government. More information at https://www.facebook.com/events/591032685193936.