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Industry is getting more expensive

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According to data gathered by the Czech Statistical Office, the prices of Czech industrial producers are getting steeper much faster than expected. Annually, the prices rose by a whopping 7.8 percent. This number, recorded in the July of every year, has risen the most since the fall of 2004. Further prices have also risen, including those of farmers and builders. The prices have been reportedly rising since February, and they are not expected to stop rising anytime soon. This is partly due to the fact that prices of crude materials, such as oil and iron have been rising too, by as much as 20%. Fortunately, at least the prices of oil seem to be stabilising after the pandemic, so their influence on the prices of industrial goods may start fading away. On the other hand, the rising prices of all goods made of iron are still rising. These prices mainly influence our everyday lives by hindering the supply lines which lead to the production of final products that us, the consumers, buy. Basically the prices of everything are expected to rise due to this, the most since the economic crisis of 2008. While we are still fighting the virus, economy seems to be overlooked in the media, but it seem to be starting making itself being known. Hopefully the next government, whoever it may be, has a plan to tackle this.

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