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China will invest CZK 95bn in ČR this year, Zeman says

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Prague, March 29 (CTK) – Chinese investments in the Czech Republic will reach 95 billion crowns this year and Skoda Auto will invest 60 billion crowns in China during five years, Czech President Milos Zeman said after his talks with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping at Prague Castle yesterday.
He said he would like the Czech Republic to become the entry gate of the People’s Republic of China into the European Union.
“I was deeply mistaken when I estimated this year’s Chinese investments at 45 billion crowns. They will amount to 95 billion crowns this year alone,” Zeman said.
He said he is glad that investments flow in the opposite direction, too.
In addition to Skoda Auto, he also mentioned the investments of the Czech aviation industry.
Particular contracts will be signed during an economic forum on Wednesday.
In his statement, Zeman who spoke about “excellent business relations,” also pointed out the personal friendship between him and Xi.
In an exaggeration, Zeman apologised to Xi for Prague not having the White House or an operable golden coach, hinting at Xi’s visits to the United States and Britain.
“At the end, I would like to express the wish – using the words of our Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka – that the Czech Republic become the entry gate for the People’s Republic of China into the European Union. In my own words, I would like it to be a calm harbour, into which Chinese ships will be returning after various storms and where they will find friendly reception,” Zeman said.
Zeman and Xi signed a strategic cooperation treaty between their countries yesterday. Czech ministers and their Chinese counterparts signed memoranda of understanding in the fields of industry, transport, health care and education.
($1=24.267 crowns)

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