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Právo: Czechs willing to spend large sums on wedding

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Prague, July 14 (CTK) – Czechs tend to spend more and more money on weddings, often over 100,000 crowns, and many young people do not hesitate to borrow a large sum for this purpose, daily Pravo writes yesterday.
It is the summer months that most Czechs choose as their wedding date. Every year, over 60 percent of weddings take place between June and September, the paper writes.
According to a poll the GE Money Bank conducted on the people who got married in the past two years or plan to do so soon, only few of them (11 percent) spent or want to spend less than 10,000 crowns on the wedding.
A half of the respondents said the wedding cost them between 10,000 and 50,000 crowns, and almost one third put the costs at 50,000-100,000 crowns.
Twelve percent said their wedding cost or would cost over 100,000 crowns.
The average gross monthly pay in the Czech Republic is 28,000 crowns.
The most expensive weddings are held in Prague, where every third wedding costs more than 100,000, said GE Money Bank’s spokeswoman Milada Franek.
Almost one third of young people said they would not hesitate to take a loan in this connection. Out of them, about a half would even borrow a sum exceeding 50,000 crowns, the poll showed.
“People do not hesitate to use banking products to finance their wedding. This model is quite widespread abroad and now we can see it applied in our country as well,” said Josef Libertin, from GE Money Bank.
Opulent wedding receptions, which are a matter of course for Czechs, swallow the largest part of the wedding costs, followed by the wedding rings, wedding dress, the entertainment programme and accommodation, the poll showed.
Over a half of Czech brides wear a wedding dress borrowed from a rental shop, but the trend of brides buying their own dress has been rising. This variant has been preferred by about 40 percent of the brides, mainly those over 45.
Bridegrooms, on their part, most often buy their wedding suit because they can later use it on other occasions, Pravo writes.
About 38 percent of those polled (and 60 percent of the respondents over 36) said they prefer a standard wedding at a town office.
Younger people, almost 40 percent of them, prefer to get married at a Czech castle or chateau.
Every second wedding in Moravia is held in a church, but only every fourth in Bohemia, the poll showed.
Over 10 percent of those questioned said they want a wedding in a garden, and some respondents would prefer unusual wedding sites such as a beach (5 percent), Pravo writes.
According to the agency, the rising trend is a wedding abroad linked to a honeymoon stay.
($1=24.522 crowns)

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