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From his cell phone to the carpet. Czech artist’s exhibition has started in the Municipal House

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From Wednesday 12 January, a unique exhibition “phoneArt 2022” by the artist Roman Řehák will take place in the Municipal House in Prague, which visitors will be able to visit until the end of February. The exhibition features 15 unique works of art, which the artist created exclusively in mobile applications and then printed and ironed on the carpet. This is a world premiere.

Most of us, regular users, use a mobile phone to make phone calls, text messages, take photos or surf the Internet. The Czech artist Roman Řehák uses his mobile phone to create phenomenal works of art that have decorated the homes of, for example, Miloš Forman or Jiří Menzel. Karel Gott, Marta Kubišová, Jan Saudek, Pierce Brosnan, the frontman of the Deep Purple group Ian Gillan, and the excellent American LP singer, among others, became the models of his works.

In the spring of 2021, Roman Řehák invented a new technique – he enlarged his works, which he created exclusively in mobile phone applications, to the required size and then printed and ironed them in the carpet. This process does not create works of art anywhere in the world, it is a world premiere. This created 15 unique works of art, which he presented to the public at the opening of his exhibition “phoneArt 2022” in the Municipal House in Prague.

At the opening of the exhibition, the paintings were unveiled by actress and dancer Jitka Osička, accompanied by the premiere of the song Voda by composer Zdeněk Barták. Actress Dáda Patrasová, singer and musician Petr Janda, musician Felix Slováček, singers Petr Kolář and Peter Pecha, actors Roman Skamene and Karel Zima, actor and pianist Petr Vondráček and many others did not miss the opening of the exhibition.

“When I came to the director of the Municipal House, Mr. Vlastimil Ježek, and introduced him to the idea of organizing an exhibition, he did not hesitate for a minute and agreed with the offer. I am very grateful and thank you not only for the fact that the Municipal House provided space for the exhibition of my more than 10 months of work, but I also thank all those who participated and are participating in the preparation and course of the exhibition,”says artist Roman Řehák.

Visitors can see the “phoneArt 2022” exhibition from January 12 to February 28, 2022 in the Czech Men’s Club in the Municipal House. Tickets are available at the box office.

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