The police task force of Hradec Králové arrested three foreign men suspected of several thefts. They are accused of stealing from camping tents, vehicles and cabins at numerous camping sites, recreational places and festivals all over the Czech republic. Their main objective was usually jewelry, money and electronic devices. Although the investigation is currently still in full swing, it has been confirmed that these three men are guilty of at least 25 theft crimes. Some of the thefts are even reopened cases that happened last summer. The investigators inform that these men tend to operate at night. They sneak up on the tourists and quietly take away their belongings. One night, while a man was sleeping in his tent, they found his wallet in the pocket of the pants he was wearing and robbed him of over 8000 Czech crowns. In total, the police assume that the thieves stole possessions for approximately 600 000 Czech crowns. However, they expect the number of crimes they are responsible for to increase, thus the final sum of money might also be much higher. Furthermore, when the campsite staff tried to seize the robbers, they used pepper spray and ran away from the crime scene. All in all, these three individuals could be charged for theft, violation of domestic freedom and unauthorized action, counterfeiting and alteration of the means of payment. These accusations can lead up to eight years of imprisonment.