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Hundreds of trout released in river in Czech steelworks complex

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Trinec, North Moravia, April 28 (CTK) – Fishers, together with representatives of the Trinecke zelezarny (TZ) steelworks released 400 trout in the Olse River section crossing the plant complex in order to reinforce the diminishing fish population, TZ spokeswoman Petra Juraskova told CTK.
The trouth were bred in a fish farm in Domasov, elsewhere in Moravia. Their transfer to Trinec was covered by TZ.
Libor Kocinec, from the Czech Fishing Union, said the trout population has been diminishing now that Czech rivers have been subject to anti-flood measures, as a result of which the fish have nowhere to hide from predators.
“For example, an otter consumes a kilogram of fish a day,” Kocinec said.
The natural population of trout has been almost “consumed up” this way and it must be reinforced by artificially-bred trout, he said.
The number of predators has been rising with the rising quality of the environment along Czech rivers, including the Olse, Kocinec said, mentioning the otter, the heron and the merganser, all feeding on fish.
A bird census this January uncovered three grebes, two great egrets, four grey herons, eight common mergansers, one common kingfisher, 13 white-throated dippers and 392 wild ducks along the Olse section crossing the TZ complex.

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