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Man assaulted at Palmovka by two foreigners

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On Friday, at the Palmovka station of the yellow B line of the Prague metro, two foreigners violently attacked a Czech man passing by. Reportedly, they were after his money. The brutal attack was captured by cameras at the entrance to the underground transport, which helped the police quickly apprehend  both suspects. The beating included heavy hits with fists and kicks to the head, so the assailants could be facing up to ten years in prison. Furthermore, no judge is expected to be lenient, as one of the attackers also resisted arrest. The horrifying video has been posted on the internet by the Czech Police. Although the Czech Republic consistently ranks among the safest countries in the world on the Global Peace Index, such events are unavoidable from time to time. The key resource for the police in this case were the cameras present at the entrance to the metro station, which gave the investigators good quality footage, which helped tremendously with identifying the criminals, and will also serve as vital evidence at court. All in all, although the incident was very unfortunate, the Czech infrastructure made quick work of ensuring that those responsible will be punished by law as soon as possible.

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