According to a Decree of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the heating season should take place between September 1st and May 31st, but heating providers are only required to start servicing their customers once the daily average temperature falls under 13 °C for two consecutive days. It seems that this could occur very early this year. Last year, the heating companies only started providing warmth to their customers at the end of September, but due to this year’s cold August, many customers are already asking when will the extra heat come to their houses. Pensioners and families with small children are in the greatest need of heating, as their bodies are worse at keeping the right temperature, thus they are at the danger of getting sick, which can be very problematic for both the young and the old, as their immunities are also weaker. However, it seems like heating companies in many cities have the situation under control, and are fully prepared to start servicing their customers as soon as the heating season starts on September 1st . Some are even offering homeowners special contracts, under which they can receive heat outside of the heating season.