Prague, March 7 (CTK) – The Czech police will train checks at the Dolni Dvoriste, south Bohemia, and Mikulov, south Moravia, border crossings and along a section of the state border with Austria on Tuesday, Police Presidium spokesman Jozef Bocan told CTK yesterday.
The exercise will focus on the arrival of a large number of refugees in the Czech Republic, Bocan said.
“The training will check the steps to be taken if a large number of migrants arrive, including activities in registration places created on the state border,” Bocan said.
The exercise will involve the police from the South Bohemia and South Moravia regions.
The police will elaborate at a press conference to be held before the beginning of the exercise.
An exercise with a focus on the introduction of checks along the border with Austria was also held last September. It was joined by the military.
Interior Minister Milan Chovanec (Social Democrats, CSSD) said the exercise had shown that the Czech Republic was prepared for an influx of migrants.
However, the ideal time for the deployment of the police and the military, which is five hours, was not achieved during the exercise, he added.