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The Great Monkey Escape in Děčín Zoo. Only 4 Have Been Caught.

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In a successful operation on Thursday morning, experts from Děčín Zoo managed to apprehend a trio of macaques that had escaped, and shortly afterward, another escaped macaque was enticed back with treats. These macaques were part of a group that had fled the zoo when a man under the influence of drugs damaged a fence in their enclosure.

The three monkeys were successfully lured into a trapping cage, and at 6:45, the cage was securely closed. The zoo shared the news, expressing hope and asking for support, stating, “Keep your fingers crossed…” Soon enough, their wish came true as another macaque found itself safely inside the trapping cage.

Out of the initial group of nine monkeys that escaped on Tuesday, some had already been recaptured, but two are still wandering out in the open.

According to the city police, the responsibility for the monkeys’ escape lies with a man who entered the zoo after closing time and caused damage to the enclosure.

To facilitate the capture of the remaining monkeys, the zoo kindly requests visitors to adhere to the restrictions regarding entry into the local forest park and show respect for the ongoing efforts.

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