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Právo: Quarter of Czechs who work abroad consider returning home

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Prague, July 20 (CTK) – A quarter of Czechs who left abroad to work there in the past years are considering returning home, according to a poll conducted by the Monster Career CZ firm among the people whom it helped find jobs in another country and released in yesterday’s issue of daily Pravo.
Most of them want to return to the Czech Republic because they feel homesick and miss their family and friends, Pravo says.
The poll shows that people who have lived abroad for five and more years and those aged from 35 to 40 are more willing to return home than the rest.
“We explain this mainly by the fact that these people, who have lived abroad for quite a long time, have gained experience and had a chance of earning good money. Though they must count with a lower salary in the Czech Republic than they are used to abroad, most of them are willing to accept it. They consider it decisive to be close to their family that they miss,” Petr Kubacka, director of Monster Career CZ, told Pravo.
The most popular destinations where Czechs seek jobs are Britain, Ireland and the neighbouring Germany. However, they also like to work in France, Spain and Nordic countries, and young Czechs find practice in the United States interesting, Pravo says.
Czechs find jobs abroad primarily in health care, gastronomy, technical fields and IT, while financial reasons are the most frequent motivation for their departure, Pravo writes.

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