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Prague Monitor and Prague Lions join efforts in a funding campaign to support medical staff

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It is a difficult time for everyone. Whether the difficulties include not seeing one’s family for over a year and a half, losing someone to a deadly virus, or being shocked with government interventions: everyone has been affected in some way.

The broad range of challenges brought upon a global society has highlighted the ineffectiveness of governments, lack of acceptance of responsibility, the sheer intelligence of our modern society to know better than the experts, the rise to prominence of Fake News, and the almost sadly entertaining crazies that have a platform the world over. Oh, and a fear moat which begins with each person as an individual, and spreads through to understanding the anxieties of each generation.

The Prague Monitor needs to react, so we decided that the best way is to simply show a thank you to those that may be the most affected group in general: medical staff. Without choosing a winner or loser, without trying to prove the conspiracies wrong or the virus reaction right. We just want to make somebody’s day, and we thought targeting medical staff at the hospital in Motol was the easiest and most effective.

We partnered up with our longtime partners in charity: American Football Team Prague Lions. They already run a #supportyourlocals campaign which we supported last fall. So we have decided to join it again and run a weekly funding drive to try to help our medical and hospital staff to the finish line of this epidemic.

Here is how it works:

We have two restaurants this week which are long-time supporters of the Prague Lions:

??Fresh Point pizza – nám. Svobody 728/1, 160 00 Praha 6-Bubeneč⁣

??Fresh Greek – Terronská 873/3, 160 00 Praha 6-Bubeneč

One can either stop by the restaurant and buy an extra portion of food for #supportthelocals (which then goes to Hospital Motol staff), or we can send a contribution to the transparent account:

2301891520/2010 Here is the link:

My personal contribution should be the first one arriving today.

On Friday, March 12th, we will order food from the restaurants and deliver it to the Motol Hospital, one of the largest in Europe, and thank them for all their efforts from the Prague community!

Our goal is to bring 250 portions of yummy pizzas, kebabs, chicken, and Greek salads to the staff at an approximate cost of 32,500CZK this Friday, March 12th. We deliver during the shift change so we feed the people who worked all day, and feed the folks getting ready for the Friday night shift.

It would be great to have a small contribution from you as well.

Thank you,

Nor’ Easter

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