Prague, Sept 15 (CTK) – Czech Interior Minister Milan Chovanec (Social Democrats, CSSD) sharply criticised yesterday the German proposal to restrict the payment of money from European funds to the countries that reject compromise on sharing migrants across the EU.
Chovanec told journalists that it is not feasible and that he hopes that Germany will quit the idea.
He repeated that the Czech Republic will not change its negative stand on mandatory refugee quotas.
Chovanec was reacting to a statement by his German counterpart Thomas de Maiziere that the countries that reject the mandatory quotas should get less money from the EU.
The idea was allegedly tabled by European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, but the commission dismissed this.
Anyway, the idea aroused disagreement in the Czech Republic.
Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka (CSSD) rejected similar considerations previously already.
The proposal is criticised by Czech lawmakers across the political spectrum.
Chovanec said previously the biggest problem in solving the migration crisis is Germany’s inconsistent policy.
He also criticised the fact that he learns about the steps and measures Germany takes from the media only.
The European Commission wants to push through its proposal that the EU member countries share 120,000 refugees who are now in Greece, Italy and Hungary. Most EU countries agree with this but the Czech Republic and other Central European countries are against it.
Chovanec branded the quotas as media proclamations that are not feasible. He said some European countries do not want to comprehend the Czech stance, however.
Chovanec repeated that the migrants do not want to stay in the Czech Republic and that the country will not be able to force them to.