The Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš has informed the public that there has been a massive breach in covid-19 restrictions in a nightclub in the oldest Czech shopping mall Kotva, translated – Anchor. Unfortunately this breach has contributed to the spread of the Delta variant of covid-19, which has lately already been on the rise. During the speech posted on his Facebook account, he put most of the blame for the spread of this variant of the virus on the ‘young generation’, who do so according to PM Babiš in incidents like the one in Kotva. This incident has resulted in 34 new cases of the Delta variant in the Czech Republic. PM Babiš shared that people in this nightclub were dancing, which is against the current covid-19 restrictions. However, opening a nightclub is currently not and many of them manage to function under the given restrictions. Furthermore, PM Babiš mentioned the importance of vaccination, and declared that new vaccination centres will be opening in Prague, Brno and Ostrava. In these select few centres, people will be able to obtain a dose of one of the vaccines against covid-19 without prior registration. A centre like this is already open in Prague, Chodov. This may be a good option for those who despise bureaucracy, they might however need to wait in a long line.