The Czech President Miloš Zeman was recently under the investigation of a dedicated commission of the Czech Senate. The commission was specifically interested in whether the President’s reportedly worsening health impacts his ability to serve the nation as President. Now, the results of this investigation were released. The commission has not found any conclusive evidence that could be used to rid the President of his mandate. They reportedly focused on searching for guidance on how a change in health should impact a Czech presidency within the Czech Constitution. For the purposes of this investigation, they requested the help of 15 constitutional law experts. Among other topics, this help apparently focused on the Constitution’s 66th Article, which describes what has to happen in order for a Czech President to lose their right to continue serving their mandate. This Article is often mentioned these days, as some proclaim it should lead to the end of President Zeman’s presidency. However, some members of the commission have shared that the Article is formulated too loosely for it to be the sole reason for a political decision as drastic as removing a President elected by the public in an indisputably valid election.