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Klaus supports Austrian presidential candidate Hofer

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Vienna, Nov 19 (CTK) – Former Czech president Vaclav Klaus supported the candidature of rightist populist Norbert Hofer for president at a conference on mass migration to Europe organised by Austrian Free Party (FPO) on Friday.
In his speech, Klaus strongly warned against mass migration.
The Salzburger Nachrichten daily writes that Klaus spoke about the ongoing European war that is fortunately being waged “on the level of ideas and interpretations.”
According to Klaus, free thinking will be more and more suppressed in Europe by “the politically correct elites” who intend to smuggle foreigners to Europe.
Hofer also criticised the shortcomings in refugee policy in his country in the past few years. He said as a president he would dissolve the government that would not be able to take respective counter-measures. He promised that if he were elected, he would be “steadfast” in his post.
Hofer succeeded in court with his appeal against the result of the presidential election in which his rival narrowly won. The election will be therefore repeated in two weeks.
Hofer, who is sometimes called “the Austrian Trump,” will fight for the presidential post with Alexander Van der Bellen (Greens) on December 4.
In an interview with Friday’s issue of daily Lidove noviny (LN), Hofer promised that he would pay his first visit in his capacity as president to the Czech Republic if he won the election.
Hofer met President Milos Zeman in September.

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