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Opposition ODS gives “poor marks” to gov’t

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Prague, June 27 (CTK) – The opposition right-wing Civic Democrats (ODS) issued a certificate with poor marks to the Czech centre-left coalition government at the end of this school year, ODS deputy chairman Martin Kupka told reporters today.

The ODS assessed the government on the scale from one to five, while one was the best rating and five meant “failed” like at school. The party let the cabinet flunk in tax policy and the removal of red tape.

One the other hand, the government got excellent marks in hazing small businesspeople and support for the giant ones as well as for its own marketing.

The government’s conduct was unsatisfactory, Kupka said.

The ODS wants to prevent the restoration of the current government of the Social Democrats (CSSD), ANO of food and media mogul Andrej Babis and the Christian Democrats (KDU-CSL) or the formation of an ANO government with support of the Communists (KSCM).

“This is a realistic danger that the ODS is prepared to resist,” ODS chairman Petr Fiala said.

The current government has pretended being successful for three and a half years, he added.

“The past months confirmed that this all was just a marketing bubble,” Fiala said.

This is why the party gave the government the best marks for its marketing.

“It failed in tax policy and the removal of red tape that is the areas touching all of us actually,” Fiala said.

He refused to issue a similar “school-leaving certificate” to his own party. He only described the ODS as a party with a strong programme, doing honest, constructive and realistic opposition work.

ODS deputy group head Zbynek Stanjura had summarised the particular parties’ share of responsibility for the current situation.

The CSSD bears direct responsibility for having allowed the economic growth being wasted, for hazing citizens and searching for “a class enemy.”

The ANO movement has direct responsibility for hazing businesspeople in the form of electronic sales registration (EET), high taxes and social and health insurance payments, ODS claims.

The KDU-CSL has failed as “a reasonable force,” Stanjura said.

The Civic Democrats criticised the government for neglecting the country’s defence capability and they gave it four, which means sufficient, for investments in security. The cabinet received the same mark for protection of personal freedoms.


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