One of the most popular travel destinations for Czechs during the summer is making its rules stricter yet again. Croatia has recently announced that it will not let anyone who has been vaccinated more than 210 days ago without a covid test inside its borders. This means that in late August, those who have been vaccinated in the first days of vaccination in the Czech Republic will need an additional test. This has stirred up major discontent, especially among families of front line workers, who were prioritized in the vaccination process, and also need their well earned first vacation in 2 years the most. Austria has adopted a similar restriction, although it has set the ‘expiry date’ of the vaccine at 60 days more than Croatia, giving people 9 months to vacation after vaccination. This fact may deter those who are still on the ropes about getting vaccinated. Furthermore, practically no one in the Czech Republic has officially described what a person with an ‘expired vaccine’ should do. Should they get vaccinated again, despite the fact that some still have not had their first vaccine yet? Or should they just watch their friends vacation while they risk their life on the front line like in 2020, not sufficiently protected according to the Croatian government?