The police detain the displaced persons who are unlawfully in the Czech Republic in keeping with law, Interior Ministry spokeswoman Lucie Novakova told journalists today.
The ministry has raised a number of complaints against the court decisions to the opposite, Novakova said.
There are also other verdicts that have ruled that the police were right, she added.
“It is of major importance that courts deliver differing verdicts in similar cases,” Novakova said.
“The Interior Ministry has both a ruling of a regional court that rejected an illegal migrant’s complaint in a similar case and the position of the Supreme Administrative Court (NSS) on a complaint from June 2015 that under the Dublin directive the detention was right,” she added.
However, Czech Television (CS) said today that the NSS had not given any commentary on the ruling, when asked to do so.
With its press release, the Interior Ministry reacts to the press information that the regional court in Usti nad Labem, north Bohemia, had ruled that the Czech police must not detain displaced persons in refugee camps due to the suspicion of their flight as cited in the Dublin EU directive.
The EU directive demands that EU countries themselves should determine what the notion of “danger of flight” means, which has not been done by the Czech Republic.
The court examined the case of a man from Iraq who headed along with his two small daughters for his relatives to Germany via the Czech Republic.
In May, the family were detained by the police that placed them in a refugee centre.
The police argued with the Dublin directive. However, the Iraqi man filed a complaint, won the lawsuit in June and was subsequently released from the center.
The refugees who ask for asylum in some of the EU countries should not be sent to any facility for foreigners with a semi-prison regime, lawyers from the Czech Association for Legal Questions of Immigration told journalists today.
Pending the outcome of their applications, they should wait in refugee centres with more liberal rules, lawyer Jirina Neumannova said.