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Army to buy 2,500 night vision devices from Prague firm

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Prague, Jan 18 (CTK) – The Czech Defence Ministry will buy 2500 new night vision devices costing nearly 200 million crowns from the Czech firm Pramacom, Vladimir Lukovsky, from the ministry’s press section, told CTK yesterday.
The contract was made through the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA). The Prague-seated Pramacom, which delivered 900 night vision devices to the Czech army already in 2014, won the tender with 17 bidders.
Defence Minister Martin Stropnicky presented a report on the purchase to the cabinet yesterday.
He said he believed Czech companies would more participate in public tenders declared by the NSPA after the success of Pramacom.
Lukovsky said the currently used night vision devices are outdated and their repair and service costs are high.
He said the new monocular devices were crucial so that soldiers can perform inconspicuous operations during the night and in low-visibility conditions.
The Czech military should receive the night vision systems by June 2017.
($1=24.756 crowns)

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