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Political parties slow in releasing their manifestos

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Prague, May 21 (CTK) – The Czech rightist opposition Civic Democratic Party (ODS) is the only of the parties that have a chance of succeeding in the October general election according to public opinion polls to have presented its manifesto, called A Strong Programme for a Strong Czech Republic.

The senior Civic Democrats (CSSD) as well as the opposition conservative TOP 09 have presented their long-term visions, on which they want to base their manifestos.

The government ANO movement and the Christian Democrats (KDU-CSL) are also preparing similar visions.

The other parties offer on their webs either long-term programmes, or their programmes for the previous general election in 2013.

Some have at least released their new logos.

The ODS’s manifesto has 13 chapters, in which it offers 190 specific steps with which it wants to improve people’s lives.

It proposes that employees pay a 15 percent tax on their gross wage, not on their super gross wage.

It wants to resume married couples’ joint taxation and it plans to send 1 percent of pension insurance as a contribution to parents’ pensions.

The party also promises to abolish sales electronic registration (EET) introduced by the incumbent government.

The CSSD project is called The Czech Republic 20+. Its topics include a happier family, modern education, a more accommodating health care, a just social system and enough jobs.

Fighting double quality of food in European countries and the introduction of a special banking tax are to be key election themes.

The party will present the manifesto in mid-June.

TOP 09 released its idea of the future of the Czech Republic called Vision 2030 at the end of January already.

It wants to raise Czechs’ living standards by the year, lower the taxation of labour and introduce the euro. It also wants to raise defence spending for the country to fulfil its international commitments.

The KDU-CSL, which has formed an election coalition with the Mayors and the Independents (STAN). It has launched a competition for a vision of the Czech Republic in 2050.

ANO’s head Andrej Babis wants to present his vision of the Czech Republic in 2035 called What I am dreaming of when I sleeping by chance.

At a meeting of the movement, Babis promised to cut VAT rates, social insurance, the number of MPs and ministries, and on the contrary, raise pensions.

ANO’a major slogan is criticism of the mainstream parties and the movements wants to rid the country of the “rotten establishment.”

The opposition Communists (KSCM) have their 2013 manifesto on their web page.

The opposition Freedom and Direct Democracy (SPD) of Tomio Okamura bets on anti-migrant themes, referenda, including on withdrawal from the EU, and the possibility to dismiss elected politicians.

The extra-parliamentary Pirates party, which will launch its election campaign on Monday,is striving for a liberal information society.

Its priorities include the regulation of lobbying and the legalisation of cannabis.

The extra-parliamentary Greens’ programme is based on an environment-friendly tax reform. The party is newly pushing for social housing.


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