The Czech government, like many other countries, has recently been considering the question of a third round vaccination. On this topic, there are several pros and cons. Some specialists have expressed their point of view that rather than initiating further vaccination in well-developed states, such countries should provide the substances to the parts of the world with a very low percentage of vaccinated population in order to draw closer to achieving international covid-19 immunization. While other experts are pointing in the direction of the decreasing levels of antibodies in the organisms of individuals categorized as the risky group and strongly recommend to vaccinate such people for the third time the sooner the better. The Czech Ministry of Health has also been discussing whether to make the third shot available for the entire population or provide it only for the most vulnerable cases, patients with transplanted organs, seniors, medics and social workers that are facing the danger of catching the virus every day. As promised, the Ministry of Health stated their position on this issue before the end of August. Adam Vojtěch, the minister of health, has declared that on September 20th, the registration for the third jab will be available to anyone who would like to be revaccinated and has been fully vaccinated for at least eight months at the time of the registration. For the next shot, medics will only be distributing the mRNA vaccines Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna. Nonetheless, people who have been previously vaccinated by AstraZeneca or Johnson & Johnson vaccines may also be safely revaccinated without any inconvenient complications. Vojtěch has advised all citizens, especially those over the age of sixty, to register for the additional dose.