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More and more people prefer spending using mobile wallets instead of cash or plastic. The desire for contactless payments is turning out to be a surging tide and all mobile wallets — with Apple Pay substantially ahead of the pack — are benefiting from this trend.

You might think that mobile wallets are just about payments. But they can work for you as a new and powerful marketing and loyalty platform. Why? Mobile wallets allow you to show up on your customers’ lock screen with push notifications. So you can connect with people through their personal devices. Mobile wallets — Apple Wallet and Google Pay — are secure, organized folders that allow people to store, view, and manage their payment cards and much more. Digital content like boarding passes, loyalty cards, coupons, ID cards, public transport passes … you name it. Including digital event tickets.
Digital Event Tickets
The integration of your event tickets with visitors’ mobile wallets is the newest form of electronic ticketing. It enhances your customers’ experience and fosters more personalized engagement. It also simplifies the entire distribution into just downloading a digital event ticket directly to a mobile phone through a link. No printing fees, no shipping fees, no transfer fees. And no need to download another app.

Your digital event tickets will become a new communication channel for your event with brilliant messages in the exact moments visitors need them. You can bridge with them the gap between real-world and online customer experiences. Provide people with personalized news, exclusive content, and other important notifications, updates, alerts, and confirmations directly to their lock screen.
Digital event tickets are dynamic with clickable links on the backside. They allow — in a convenient way directly from a mobile phone — for viewing and downloading information you want your visitors to have at their fingertips. Event highlights or guides, for instance. You can update them at any time to keep the information always relevant and up to date. You might offer a new business opportunity to your partners and sponsors promoting them among all your visitors.

Digital event tickets remove the hassle of paper tickets as well as touching staff working at the checkpoints, and allow visitors to seamlessly and securely enter. Upon arriving at your event, the mobile wallet already offers the right ticket on the lock screen of the mobile phone. People can just tap and show or scan.
The mobile wallet technology makes physical tickets outdated, unnecessary, and boring. And you don’t have to give up a lot of your data in favor of third-party ticketing platforms for nothing in return.
About Ladislav Poledna
Ladislav is a part-time blogger who inspires readers to “Become Digital” by publishing materials about digital marketing in his Prague Monitor column and aptly named blog. He has 27+ years of experience in different sales roles within multiple industries. In the last 2 years, he has been leading the introduction of new commercial lithium-ion batteries to the EMEA region with the world’s leading producer of engines for outdoor power equipment. And recently, he also co-founded a B-to-B software service company that makes mobile marketing affordable and easy to use. Ladislav’s philanthropic contribution consists of a long-term relationship with a charity focused on funding dreams for people with muscular dystrophy.
Mobile phones are long becoming the main “screen” in peoples’ lives. Mobile marketing is no longer an innovation but a part of important decisions. Read articles on mobile marketing to get inspired on how to connect with people where they spend a lot of their time. Ladislav started Become Digital in May 2019 and since then he has added over 60 articles.
About Digikupon
Born in Europe in 2019 and available worldwide, Digikupon provides businesses with self-service tools that make mobile marketing affordable and easy to use. Digikupon helps businesses attract, serve, and retain customers by creating digital experiences for customers through mobile phones with our mobile wallet, proximity, and incentive solutions. Digikupon also easily links to and integrates with a wide range of software solutions allowing to programmatically automate and simplify the creating, updating, and deleting of custom branded digital content for mobile wallets.