To save a human life, it is not needed to be a superhero who sacrifices his whole life to help others. Regular blood plasma donating takes only a few hours a month and has the same effect. In addition, artificial intelligence will now provide all the necessary information about donations to the interested people on the website of the sanaplasma donor centers.
How is the collection of blood plasma? Who do the drugs made from it help, and what conditions must donors meet? These and many other questions regarding blood plasma donation will be answered by the new public, a new digital assistant of the company sanaplasma, which operates donor centers in the Czech Republic. It is one of the first solutions of its kind.
One of the first of its kind
The technology for sanaplasma in the form of a clever chatbot was developed by the Czech-Slovak startup Born Digital, which focuses on digitizing contact centers in cooperation with QUANTIMA company. The main task of the solution is to provide all the information about the collection of blood plasma to those interested in donating, and thus save time both for them and the healthcare professionals. “It is one of the first Czech AI digital assistants to connect healthcare facilities and their visitors. Chatbot represents a great step forward in the field, where similar solutions are not implemented much yet,” said Born Digital co-founder Zenon Sliwka.
The chatbot will be waiting for a donor in a visible place on the website. Thanks to modern design and artificial intelligence, communication with it is easy and pleasant. “It will very quickly offer answers that people would otherwise have to look for on the site. You can communicate with it using preset queries, but also with your messages, which can be much more specific. Thanks to advanced technological solutions, the conversation is natural and very similar to exchanging messages with a human operator,” described Inette lead Manager Born Digital Linette Manuel.
The duty begins
Visitors to the sanaplasma website will first meet the chatbot at the beginning of June when the pilot phase of the project begins. But chatbot already has all the necessary knowledge. He can answer not only all general questions but also questions concerning, for example, the influence of the donor’s health on the possibility of donation. “In addition to our specialists, healthcare professionals and doctors were also involved in the preparation of the solution, overseeing the formulation of the answers and participating in the testing themselves. Every information that the chatbot provides is checked by the most professional experts,” added Manuel.
The new AI digital assistant not only far surpasses classic chatbots, which often require meaningless repetition of questions and provide only a few preset answers. It also has advantages over human operators. “It can be easier for many donors to confide their details about their health to artificial intelligence than to write it to another person. The digital assistant will always remain neutral. In addition, data security is crucial to us, so we anonymize all the information obtained,” said Jan Štěpánek, who manages the sanaplasma centers. He also adds that chatbot needs almost no personal data. Only when it is necessary to connect the caller with a doctor due to a specific question, the chatbot will ask for his name and contact.
The chatbot is the first step in the cooperation of all the mentioned entities. “The project demonstrates that digitization and modern technology do not shy away from hospitals and medical facilities either. In the future, we also plan to connect the chatbot with the donor reservation system and, together with Born Digital, also the development of a voicebot, which will helpfully automate the process of reservations for blood plasma collection,” adds the founder of QUANTIMA Pavel Kantor.