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Vyšeart Park Exhibition

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The students of art universities in Prague united and created a new digital gallery Vyšeart which was launched on 5th of May 2021 and will last until 31st of August 2021. Vyšeart connects 28 students of various art fields who created 14 pairs where 1 musician and 1 visual artist collaborate with each other. Each pair made one piece of art which consisted of musical aspects and visual art. The final artworks are displayed in the park of The National Cultural Monument Vyšehrad. Visitors of Vyšeart discover the artworks with their own smartphone and through QR codes which are installed in the park. The project is supported by The Borough of Prague 2, The National Cultural Monument Vyšehrad, HAMU, UMPRUM, AVU and OSA.

The idea of multifaceted project has arisen among students of art who felt the need and desire to meet other students and to gain new creative experience. The organizers are students Magdaléna Ochmanová from Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (HAMU), Hana Sommerová from Academy of Fine Arts (AVU), Eliška Hanuš, Jarka Straková and Mariana Pecháčková from Academy of Arts, Architecture & Design in Prague (UMPRUM) who have started and developed the idea of Vyšeart.

The digital vernissage took place on 5th of May 2021 at 17:00 and presented 28 artists and their artworks (link here).

The whole art circuit in park is made especially for places of Vyšehrad. The artists worked in pair of 1 musician and 1 visual artist and reacted to one specific spot and its surrounding in the park. The artists were collecting inspiration in the nature of Vyšehrad as well as in its history. The visitors are made to visit Vyšehrad park in person as the artworks could be approached only by scanning the QR codes in the park. That moves the visitors of Vyšeart to the same spot where artists had been at the beginning of their work.

The organizers think of all creative souls and want to support general creativity through the open call Vyšeartinspiruje (=Vyšeartinspires). Everyone who is inspired by the Vyšeart project can create a piece of art and publish it under the hashtag #vyšeartinspiruje. In the end, the jury will choose 10 winning pieces of art, publish it on the platforms of Vyšeart and send all winners an original art reward.

The project is technically supported by the students of Czech Technical University in Prague. Project Vyšeart shows amazing collaboration among students and displays them as active artists and citizens who are seeking the possible paths in actual situation when the restrictions stopped the whole cultural world.

List of artists:

AVU: Dorothea Hofmeisterová, Hana Sommerová, Jan Vohradský, Julie Kopová, Matěj Liška, Sára Skoczková, Štěpán Rubáš

UMPRUM: Antonie Zichová, Barbora Lexová, Eliška Hanuš, Emma Šádová, Marina Hendrychová, Michal Fízik, Olga Krykun

List of musicians:

HAMU: Andrzej Konieczny, Ela Tolsteva, Eliška Hejhalová, Haštal Hapka, Kateřina Sole, Lukáš Brabec, Magdaléna Ochmanová, Matěj Diviš, Milica Modrá, Pavel Nesit, Pavel Zeman, Ráchel Skleničková, Štěpán Hon, Vsevolod Tokmakov

Magdaléna Ochmanová

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