Almost a half of the population of the Czech Republic, 48.3% to be exact, has been fully vaccinated by now. As many Czechs already received two shots of a covid vaccine, most commonly the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, there has been an ongoing discussion whether it will be necessary to get vaccinated for the third time. One study has shown that over 60% of vaccinated seniors are actually not well protected from covid due to the lowering levels of antibodies in their blood. Whereas with a third vaccine, the antibodies in the immune system should increase up to eleven times more in the case of elderly people (65+). That is why there is a possibility that a third shot of a covid vaccine will be recommended to certain risk groups. The third dose would primarily be available for seniors, cancer patients, patients with transplanted organs, patients with low immunity levels and finally to paramedics and social workers. Whether the third jab will even be supported should be determined by the end of August. While some countries already started with it, the WHO keeps pleading well vaccinated countries to leave some vaccines for less economically developed countries, which did not get enough vaccines yet. The organisation of the third jab will require expert planning, since it is possible that there will be an influx of people both wanting the first two jabs and the final one at vaccination centres. On the other hand, some vaccination facilities around the Czech Republic are planning to close due to a lack of people registered for further vaccination. Therefore the distance that people will have to travel for their next vaccination might lengthen. That could be a deciding factor for a number of senior citizens when they will be considering the third jab.