According to members of the political coalition SPOLU, there are 600,000 citizens over 60 in the Czech Republic, who are in great danger unless they get vaccinated. Now, many of them are not vaccinated, and once the summer heat is gone and the covid-19 virus becomes stronger, their unwillingness to vaccinate could put them at a serious risk of ending up in the ICUs of Czech hospitals. As a part of the opposition, the SPOLU coalition is pushing for a statement from the Ministry of Health, regarding their plans for solving this issue and preventing another tragic winter. They also offered a solution of their own. Their proposal suggests that GPs should be financially motivated to persuade their patients to get vaccinated. According to experts within the coalition, the low vaccination numbers are not caused by the unwillingness of patients to get vaccinated, but rather a faulty approach of the government to popularizing vaccination. Furthermore, during the same press conference, the coalition representatives have proclaimed that there should be no patients that cannot be persuaded by their GP to make the right choice for their own health.