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Antibodies – not sufficient protection from covid-19

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The Czech Ministry of Health along with specialists in the field declared that solely the presence of antibodies in one’s circulatory system cannot be considered as a reliable indicator of protection from covid-19 just yet. Thus, any level of antibodies will not be accepted as a replacement of vaccination. There are two main reasons for the verdict. Firstly, the exact amount of antibodies that can prevent a human organism from getting infected by covid-19 is still unknown. Secondly, various covid variants have appeared and it is uncertain, whether a person with Alpha variant antibodies will be immune to the Delta variant. Consequently, the government urges us to wait for further observations and get vaccinated in the meantime. According to the Minister of Health, Adam Vojtěch, it is crucial for the Czech population to continue to undergo proper vaccination. It will be important especially during the upcoming fall season, when people tend to get sick more often due to frequent weather changes, and diseases start spreading faster due to less sunlight. Likewise, the head of the Czech Hygiene Department, Pavla Svrčinová, said that during the summer, when people spend a lot of time outdoors in an open space, the virus is less likely to be transmitted from one infected person to another. However, when autumn comes, people begin to spend more time indoors, therefore the virus has a much higher chance of spreading. Svrčinová also advises the Czech society to get vaccinated as soon as possible.

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