Prague, Aug 4 (CTK) – The number of weddings has been slightly rising in the Czech Republic, though almost a half of marriages break up, according to statistics, daily Pravo writes yesterday.
“In 2014, 45,575 marriages were concluded in the Czech Republic, which is 2,000 more than in 2013. The average age of bridegrooms entering into their first marriage was 31.8 years and brides were 29.1 years on average,” Iva Ritschelova, head of the Czech Statistical Office (CSU), told Pravo.
The number of people who get married before they turn 30 has been also increasing, Pravo adds.
“Its seems normal to me to get married after 30 if the couple have not been together for five and more years. However, if two people have lived together for some time and they know they want to get married, it does not seem fortunate to me to be postponing it under various pretences,” said Dusan, 28, who got married at the age of 25 after a three-year relationship.
However, experts point out an opposite trend among young people as well. They are either postponing marriage or decide not to get married at all even though they have children.
“I consider it ideal to get married between 35 and 40 years with a ten-year-younger girl,” Viktor, 29, told Pravo.
Psychologist Jan Kulhanek is of the view that the whole society is to blame for the trend of postponing marriages.
Unlike the past, it is completely acceptable if couples live together and do not get married or do so at a higher age, while 50 years ago, such people would be denounced in society, Kulhanek pointed out.
Another reason is that most Czechs are atheists and this is why neither the church nor their families are pushing them into matrimony, he added.
In addition, young people, especially men, often try to avoid responsibility, Kulhanek said.
“Marriage means also an economic commitment. They do not want to be officially bound, even though they have children,” Kulhanek told Pravo.
According to statistical data, 30,785 couples got married for the first time last year, while 10,884 and 10,420 women entered into another marriage.
The average age of all bridegrooms was 35.5 years and brides were 32.4 years on average. In the case of the first marriage, it was 31.8 and 29.1 years, respectively.
Statistics also confirm that a bridegroom is usually older than a bride. In 2014, 31,728 such marriages were concluded, while the newlyweds were of the same age in 4,553 cases and the bride was older in 9,294 cases.
Eighteen brides were aged from 16 to 17 years, but no bridegroom was so young in 2014. On the other hand, 48 men entered into marriage at the age over 80, but only eight women, Pravo writes.