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Šiman to head president’s security team

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Prague, June 6 (CTK) – Zdenek Siman has become the new director of the Czech Office for the Protection of the President, replacing Petr Dongres, police headquarters spokesman Jozef Bocan told journalists yesterday.
Last year, Dongres was forced to resign over the incident with huge red boxer shorts flying above Prague Castle, the presidential seat, which his office failed to prevent.
Disguised as chimney sweepers, the Ztohoven artistic group hung up the red boxer shorts on the roof of Prague Castle, instead of the presidential flag last September.
The group, known for its provocative interferences in public affairs, released a video-recording on Facebook saying “the proper flag of a man who is not ashamed of anything finally flies above Prague Castle.”
Siman succeeded in the third selection for the post, while no job applicants came for the first two.
Colonel Siman worked in the first department of the Office for the Protection of the President.
Heads were rolling at the Presidential Office over the case of the boxer shorts. Head of the Castle Guard Radim Studeny and Jan Fulik, head of the Presidential Office’s security section, were dismissed.
A court will start dealing with the case of the three artists from the Ztohoven group later in June.
Due to the incident, security measures were stepped up at the Prague Castle.

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